Online Writing Courses

Want to improve your writing skills? In the coming weeks, you will find a collection of the best online writing courses here. Annette J Beveridge is a qualified teacher of creative writing and journalism so you can be assured of the best online writing courses in your chosen niche area.

Once purchased, complete at your leisure. It is important that you can study, learn and apply the information within your own writing.  Some of our writing courses contain self-assessment tasks, so you can learn as you write. Other courses have tests and provide dedicated feedback. Some writing courses are just for learning purposes only. Boost your creative writing skills from the comfort of your own home. 

Horror Fiction Writing Course

Online writing course








Writing horror fiction isn’t just about crafting gruesome tales, it’s about the chilling, sinister psychological horrors that send chills up your spine. If you have ever wished to write horror fiction, or to add sinister scenes to your stories and  have your readers sitting on the edges of their seats, then this creative writing course is for you.

Imaginatively created, this writing course will enable you to crawl inside the minds of your characters, to tap into everyday doubts and fears and to have the readers glancing over their shoulders at every little noise. This is just one of the many online writing courses coming your way.

Once you have made your purchase, please email: confirming the right email address so we can send your course. Please mark the name of the course or your question, in the subject line.